
Vertaisarviointia Helsingin pyöräilypolitiikasta

tiistai, 25. elokuuta 2009

Rotterdamin kaupungin asiantuntijat ovat tehneet vertaisarvioinnin Helsingin kaupunkin ympäristöpolitiikasta. Se on luettavissa Helsingin Ympäristökeskuksen julkaisuna myös netissä.

Pyöräilyyn liittyvä luku löytyy sivulta 18:

The resources available and measures being implemented are unlikely to be sufficient to achieve the objective of doubling the cycling modal share from 6% to 12% by 2015. This target is not very ambitious, given the importance of reducing emissions, noise and of improving health.

There are notable initiatives for new cycle paths such as the reuse of the old railway to the port and the planned connection to the old oil harbour. Although certain cycle lanes have lighting there is considerable scope to substantially improve the quality of surface, design, and maintenance of cycle lanes. The length of proposed new cycle route is very modest and is unlikely to be sufficient to encourage the significant shift in personal mobility to cycling that is required.

There was no evidence that comprehensive network of cycling routes is being prioritised that will allow people to cycle to and from work, leisure, and local shops is not yet being planned. There are no cycle lanes that are priority ’core routes for high maintenance’, quick snow clearance etc. The cycle connections to the new developments at the eastern and western harbour do not have the same status as the public transport routes or roads.

Although there is evidence that large numbers of maps have been printed the effectiveness, quality, availability, and coverage of cycle maps brochures, posters, advertising, and media exposure could be significantly improved to bring it up the standards of other major European city standards. Staff resources are inadequate to promote cycling to stakeholder groups and to review and comment on spatial and master plans.

Although some departments have cycles for officers to travel to meetings not all departments (or Helsinki Energy or Helsinki Water) have these bikes. Although there are financial incentives to promote commuting by cycle these are little used except in the health department.

2 thoughts on “Vertaisarviointia Helsingin pyöräilypolitiikasta

  1. Aikamoista tylytystä, mutta aiheesta 🙂

    Ympäristörapo on menossa valtuustoon kahden viikon päästä, toivottavasti tähän tartutaan ja vahvasti.
